I thought it would be a good idea to take it a little slow after all these weeks full of information and dozens of pages of text. But of course I don’t want your brains to stop working, so I decided that it is time for another international entry since the last one was all the way back on 11/29/07. I’ve even some related news:
As I had mentioned in the very first entry in English on 06/14/07, I was rated C1-3 in the English test of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language. As it had been a while since I took the test the last time (two years to be exact), I jumped on the chance to do it again – with a surprisingly good result: I’m now rated C2-3 (after C1-3 comes C2-1 and so on).
Of course this result should be judged carefully as the test doesn’t involve speaking the language. But still it’s a good indicator for reading, writing and understanding the tested language both in normal and in business environments. I’m really glad that we can do it here every once in a while without charge. On that note I also have a little story that you can may be laugh at:
Yesterday when I made lunch, I was reading the DirectX 10.1 Whitepaper from AMD (yeah I really read that kind of stuff). Since no one else was there, I thought to myself: “Why limit myself to reading?”, and so I read the whole thing out loud. I know that is not really something new but it still has somewhat of a stigma to it and I hope that in the future I will overcome it a little more often. “Programmable” and “Compatibility” are by the way two words of those words I hope that I will never need to speak out loud :).
Now that this is settled, let’s get into senseless talk about things that come to mind. It has been a while since the last time I did that :).
The last few weeks were great for me in a way. No, I still haven’t found the love of my live or anything but what did you expect from someone that doesn’t move a finger to change that situation? So stop pointing out the window and just let me the fuck be! Telling me how “cute” that “couple” out there looks won’t change my current attitude! I know you want grandchildren and whatever but that’s not my fucking job – especially since the UGC (Unwritten Generational Contract) has already gone to hell!
Okay, I’m sorry. I got a little carried away there for a moment. But I think all you single guys/girls out there exactly know what I’m talking about and most certainly hate those conversations as much as I do.
Anyway what I meant was purely in terms of getting things done and moving forward. Also the feedback on the page wasn’t really there; my correctors gave me a lot of constructive criticism which I can and already have used to improve my overall skills. But it was also great to not really having to think about the next entry. The last two month I always had enough stuff in mind – and in many cases already prepared – so that I basically just had to put it online. Of course that phase is now over and I’m already struggling to think about something for the Monday entry (actually that is a lie but don’t tell anybody) but it was awesome as long as it lasted.
But of course that’s something you don’t really care about. You just want to see new stuff two times a week and I understand that so let’s move on to something completely different: The UCF-deal is now one month old, which is reason enough for a (very) short look back.
For my side the results are not completely satisfying. The hits back to Bagdadsoftware are there but very limited. And at the same time the participation of the users is neither here nor there very high. To be fair, it does seem like the whole forum has currently some attendance problem but still I’m a little disappointed. The content is there and I made sure that a constant stream of new stuff went online – in some cases even before I upped it to Bagdadsoftware, so I don’t see any shortfall on my part. But on the other side: What did I expect from a console dominated forum? Penetrating such a thick hull just can’t be done over night.
So I hope it will get better over time as I establish myself more over there but like I said: Currently the forecast isn’t the best. Of course I won’t turn my back on the UCF in any case but I really need to look into ways to get more permanent and, if something like that even exists, active visitors here. If I want to fulfill my goal of total world domination, I finally need to start doing something for it :).
But for now let me just finish up today’s entry. So I hope to see you all again on Monday.
As always feel free to comment in English but be aware of the Wrath of the Spam filter(TM)! Save your comment before you click “Hinzufügen” or the endless void may consume your words and turn them into a stream of 0s!
Go man, go!