
Games Convention 2008

Today’s entry will be short in terms of content and, as you will have noticed by now, in English. The reason is simple: I told a few people that they can access the article about their game from here – and most of them neither speak nor read German. But the reports themselves are of course still in German. It was already enough work writing them up without translating them. So here is everything I wrote for JörgSpielt (Jörg has deleted his website in the meantime) as a GC-Reporter:

Microsoft Sidewinder X5 (was sadly deleted with the website)
Burnout Paradise (PC)
Zweiklassengesellschaft (Kommentar)
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. (PC)
Mirror’s Edge (PS3)
Vertigo (Xbox 360)
Red Faction: Guerilla (Xbox 360)
Palladion (PC)

That is almost double the amount of articles I wrote last year and I hope I didn’t leave quality on the street for quantity. And on that note I would also like to thank Azzkickr, Rondrer and Daiah for reading over some of the stuff.
I’m also looking into the possibility of adding all these articles somehow to the Bagdadsoftware-Database but I’m still unclear on how I will do it. For now they will remain solely on

Besides all the written stuff, I also recorded the promised third episode of the UCF Podcast:

As the name suggests, it is all about the Games Convention. And besides a few reports on games I played, I also interviewed JakillSlavik, Miles, Rondrer und Jahn. That’s why the beginning and the end sound worse than the middle part, as they were recorded in Leipzig with my voice recorder. But as always everything should be understandable.

Speakers (sorted by appearance): Sicarius, Rondrer, Jahn, JakillSlavik, Miles

Technical Details: 10:29min long; 128kbit quality (but some of the initial recordings were in 96kbit); 9,61MB big; Recorded with the voice recorder Olympus VN-2100PC and Audacity

Music credits (sorted by appearance):
Brian Conrad, Sue Kasper, Justin McCormick – SimCity 2000 – Track 47 (Complete)
Brian Conrad, Sue Kasper, Justin McCormick – SimCity 2000 – Track 31 (Parts)
Alexander Brandon – Deus Ex – DuClare Chateau (Parts)

And last but not least, the overview of our – well this year more my day at the Games Convention:

Games Convention 2008

Pünktlich um vier Uhr fuhr vergangen Donnerstag also der silberne Peugeot mit JakillSlavik und Sicarius Richtung Leipzig. Nein, das ist nicht ganz korrekt. Eigentlich fuhr er erst zu Rondrer und Jahn, um diese auch noch ins Auto zu packen. Aber der Weg ist sowieso der gleiche. Die Fahrt lief auch insgesamt ganz gut. Abgesehen von ein paar LKWs, die uns notorisch vor der Nase hingen und ein Navigationsgerät von Falk, welches sturer als ein Bock war.

All in all more than enough to keep you busy until Thursday and the release of the next entry. But before I finish: Here is the proof that I really was at the Games Convention and didn’t just fake everything:

Marc, Jörg und Christoph auf der GC
(Marc “Varloris” Fouquet, Jörg Langer and Christoph “Sicarius” Hofmann)

And you can also find my face on this website (deleted in the meantime).

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